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The best supplements in Ramadan

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The best supplements in Ramadan

The long hours of fasting in Ramadan 2015 make it difficult to build your muscle mass, but there are some things that you can do to earn the reward for fasting the holy month and keep your strength and muscle mass as possible at the same time, such as your application of these tips and studying your choice of nutritional supplements that will facilitate the task.

The question now is, what are the best supplements you can take in Ramadan? Get to know her.

The best supplements in Ramadan

  • Casein protein at suhoor time

Cassin is characterized by slow digestion and absorption in the intestines and this is what made him the first choice for athletes as a dietary supplement before bedtime, and during ramadan fasting especially in the summer of 2015 when the hours of day are the longest days of the year, it will be better to consume casseroles at the time of suhoor, so that you can provide your muscles with proteins for as long as possible during your fasting.

  • Whey protein after exercise

Whey protein is very fast absorbing so it is ideal to take after your training session. You have the option of choosing the concentration and purity of the Whey protein such as concentrate Isolate , or Hydrolysate, respectively, for the purest ones, according to your training goals and their price appropriate for you.

  • Pre-training supplements
These include several types of supplements that have been shown to have many benefits when taken before the training session (preferably the latter during breakfast, at least two hours after the main meal).

Vitamin and mineral supplements

It is imperative that you make smart choices about your meals in Ramadan more than any other time, because the short period open to you makes eating more important for your choices in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and despite this, it may be helpful to take a dietary supplement. To take care of your needs, especially if you have a deficiency in any of them or have trouble eating enough food, or you are experiencing physical fatigue and stressors that increase your daily needs.

It is worth noting that you may not often be able to take all these supplements during Ramadan, and you do not have to do so anyway, you can choose some or one of them according to your goals and how important your sports performance is in the holy month.


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