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Ramadan ... Your golden chance to stop smoking

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Ramadan ... Your golden chance to stop smoking 

Whether you are a smoker on certain social occasions and sessions only or a heavy smoker, quitting smoking is not easy. It is linked to the physiological addiction of the body to nicotine and the rest of the substances that make up cigarettes on the one hand, and being a psychological psychological habit on the other hand linked to the daily habits and moods of a person.

As for the health, physical, material and social harms of a smoker and those around him, they are known to everyone and there is no need to mention them, and most of those who care about their reading are non-smokers! On the ground, no one can compel or persuade anyone to quit

Although difficult, it is not impossible and many have done it before you, and the upcoming Ramadan is an unparalleled opportunity to make the ultimate decision to quit smoking and get rid of it forever.

Why Ramadan is a golden opportunity to stop smoking?

During the days of Ramadan, the daily fasting hours are about 16-17 hours a day, i.e. 16-17 hours after the fasting smoker stops smoking, and it is known that one of the benefits of fasting to the body is cleaning it from toxins and pollutants, so it will be easier for you to quit smoking in Ramadan compared to the rest of the year, all you have to do is hold out in the remaining hours from breakfast time to suhoor, so that you have taken a step forward in giving up this addiction.

4 steps to plan to quit smoking in Ramadan

1- Select a day to start. Let it be the first day of Ramadan, because you will go through the difficult phase of your smoking cessation during the fasting hours in any case, why not invest it in your favor !!

2- Determine the triggers or stimuli that remind you of cigarettes and increase your desire for them. Until you arrive for your first day of smoking cessation, remember all conditions, conditions, factors, or even people who encourage you to smoke. Record it to set yourself a plan for dealing with each of them when they occur. You will find practical ways to deal with it later in this article.

3- Tell those around you that you decide to quit smoking. Ask those around you to avoid showing cigarettes to you

4- When you start, get rid of all the cigarettes and all that reminds you of them around you. "Do not keep a pack of spare cigarettes," even get rid of the mastic of cigarettes and everything that reminds you of their smell.

Practical ways and ideas to overcome the thirst of your urgent desire for a cigarette

1- Remember that during the fasting you achieved long hours without smoking, but for the breakfast period, keep some nuts, seeds or dried fruits that you prefer, or any snack in your pocket or a place close to you, whenever you want to smoke, each of them to distract yourself from Think about cigarettes.

2- Prepare yourself in advance for ways to deal with stress when facing you instead of a cigarette, such as walking a little or eating a piece of chocolate or anything else you prefer distracting you from smoking.

3- If your desire is related to another habit, such as coffee or sitting in a specific place, change these habits or reduce them, and your desire will automatically change. Again, Ramadan is the month of change and instability in all the habits and times you are used to, invest these new conditions to your advantage.

4- Place a glass container in a clear place in your home or workplace and put in it every day an amount of money equal to the price of cigarettes that you normally consume before Ramadan. At the end of the month, count the amount that was produced with you and donate it to a need or to the support centers for cancer patients.

5- Begin exercising, in your interest in your health in general will encourage you more to abide by your decision.

6- You can use some medical means as a substitute for nicotine. Consult your doctor or pharmacist about the options 

7- If you hit rock bottom and you are about to smoke, delay it for another 10 minutes. Your thirst for cigarettes is often very severe, but it lasts for minutes, then it lessens its intensity. Meanwhile, find something that distracts you from it.

8- Finally, if you weaken and put in a cigarette that does not say that the plan has failed and will not succeed in it, start again the next day, you can still do it.

9- Remember that every time you resist your desire for a cigarette, a plan for your success in implementing the plan approaches, and the most annoying symptoms of nicotine withdrawal from your body last only for several weeks and then gradually reduce its severity.


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