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Benefits of regular exercising for the whole body [Infograph]



Benefits of regular exercising for the whole body [Infograph]

Exercising has been well-proven to introduce great benefits for your health, strength, life quality & longevity.

These benefits results from the accumulative effects of exercising on each of your body parts, starting from cellular level, up to major body systems such as gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and immunity.

Check out what exercising does to major parts of your body…

Exercising positive effects go beyond just saving your health; it also saves your wallet!

According to the CDC, physically active individuals have lower annual direct medical costs than do inactive people; the cost difference was $330 per person based on 1987 dollars.

In other words, people who exercise regularly and maintain good health and shape, get less sick & spend less money on hospitalization, medications, surgeries, rehabilitation cost from amputations, and other health care costs.


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